Saturday, February 5, 2011

Yes It's True, I Went There

Absolutely nothing compares to making love to my husband to love music!  Remember all those songs when you were a teenager that would come on the radio and you wish you had a significant other to make out with and snuggle with and really just wish you had a person that yearned for you.  
Sorry to those who don't want to hear about what I have to say on this subject but this is my blog and after almost 14 years of marriage I feel renewed each and every time we're intimate.  Like my hubby says "the naughties like to feel nice" hehehe, what a great way to relieve stress.  Now everyone grab your significant other and crank up your favorite love music and make love!  Amen, I love you baby!


  1. YOWZA! What a first post to come and read on your blog!

    Perhaps some more people should be swinging by.....

    Thanks for your comment. And you certainly have my attention here. I think I'll be back!

  2. Can I just tell you how freaking happy it makes me that I am not the only nursing student writing about sex on their blog? Thank you for this. lol.

  3. Good for you! 6 years married, 1 kid and one on the way (march!) taking that special time for eachother is still at the top of our list.

  4. RW - I didn't plan for that to happen for your first time reading was a sexual entry but I just had to say it and I tried to keep it G rated.
    XY -Whee haa!
    ED - Sometimes you get all caught up in the moment and want to shout it from the rooftops, there's no shame in my game. :-)
    NH - Good for the two of you, when our kids were young we didn't take as much time for each other as we needed but we're have lots of fun making up for that as we're getting older.

  5. Great post! I am going to be blogging about this soon too! It's not often you hear about women enjoying the intimacy of marriage. :) I'm sure your hubs is glad!

  6. LOL, good for you! I don't really feel that way about music from my teen years; listening to that is more likely to bring back memories of awkward spring formal slow dances than to make me ready to jump the Mister. But, as someone who's been with my man for 8 years now, it's good to know that we'll probably still be gettin' down when we hit year 14 :)
