Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving part 1

Our Thanksgiving feast started last night cooking different meals in the oven before today even started.  By the time I went to bed, my back was aching.  This am the kids got up first to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, my hubby shot up shortly there after dancing around the bedroom like a child on the morning of Christmas (this is my hubby's favorite holiday!), I was trying to sleep in because I never get to sleep in.

Kinda bittersweet today, because I had to work at 4p, and I don't get to share this holiday with my parents or sisters, but I was trying to stay positive with the excitement my family was giving off.  Between my hubby and myself we slaved over the stove all am.  The windows in the kitchen were fogged up with the oven being on as long as it was today.  Usually we don't have family over at our house but this year we did.  My hubby's aunt and one of his buddies.

Ultimately I didn't eat much for fear that I'd fall asleep during my shift at work.  Maybe I'll heat up another plate of food later after 8p when my shift if done.  I can't wait to get off work, thankful to be with my family again.  Overall this day was a great one. 

When I get home, the kids and I will scour the Black Friday ads and get our game plan for tomorrow am. 
I'll post later tonight with all the pictures of the food we cooked.  Aww the pictures, what a bunch I have.

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