Friday, August 5, 2011

Birthday Day

Yesterday I woke up not feeling any different than any other day like usual on someone’s birthday.  Funny thing is most people including myself always seem to ask that very question, do you feel any different on your birthday?  Fact is, for me, no I didn’t.  I know in days to come, when certain people ask how old I am, I will probably stumble over my words because the reality hasn’t sunken in that I am 34 instead of 33.  My body doesn’t feel different, I mean I didn’t just wake up overnight and have a head full of gray hair and a hump in my back and lose all of my teeth.  I’m just me and I’m a firm believer that YOU make your day a success, not the other way around that YOUR day makes you.  Every time I wish someone happy birthday I tell them to make it a good day, and that’s what I set out to do for myself.
My hubby turned to me and kissed me and said happy birthday before we even got out of bed.  After I stepped out of my shower for the morning my hubby gave me a gift of a Viking’s locker to store down in our game/football/TV room, where I can store my jersey and baseball cap during the season.  What a lovely thought, seeing as though he is a die-hard Cowboy’s fan and anything else brought into that room could jinx their entire season.  So this locker speaks volumes of love.
              GIFT #1
Viking Locker
Silly me, a few weeks ago when figuring out my work schedule, I agreed to work on my birthday, but it’s all good I still had a good time.  My co-workers decorated my cubical at my clinic job and there was a gift bag waiting for me which included Dove and Ghirardelli chocolates.  Yumm, who could go wrong with a start to a day like that?
               GIFT #2
Work was over at 1pm, so I made plans for a pedicure with one of my girlfriends at 130pm.  I love the French manicure look so much even on my toes that I had them add a cute pink summer flower to each big toe.  I was happy with the outcome.
               GIFT #3
Pretty Pedi
Then from there I headed home because my sister was sending me two pizza hut pizzas with a lava chocolate dessert on the side to be delivered around the same time I expected to be home.  How lovely, all she had to do was go online and place the order all the way from where she lives in Minnesota.  Isn’t technology grand??  Aren’t sister’s grand??
               GIFT #4
Dominio's Pizza
Before the pizza came I walked into the house to a beautiful pot filled with yellow mums and a note from the hubs wishing me a happy birthday.  He must have stopped home on his lunch hour just to do that for me.   I love mums especially in the fall weather against the back drop of falling leaves in the yard.  They are such a hearty plant!
               GIFT #5
Yellow Mum
Then my kids made a special trip to the jewelry store that they can afford “Claire’s” and purchased a bag full of goodies just for me.  I love bobby pins for my hair since getting it cut; it never stays in place like it should.  Also a couple necklaces that go with any outfit, so I promptly searched for my tiara and put all of my jewels on and played the part of princess for the rest of the night.  (ps, yes I do have a tiara and I believe every woman should own one.  Every woman deserves to feel like royalty every once in a while.)
               GIFT #6
Jewels from the kids
Aside from going to my kids’ softball practice and taking a walk with my hubby, we all just came home to relax for the evening. 
All in all, turning another year older just proves to me that your birthday is only as important as the attitude you set before it.


  1. Happy Birthday.

    Go Vikings. Don't let your husband think the locker will jinx the Cowboys, they are doomed before the season even starts.

  2. Love your gifts! Happy birthday and best wishes for an awesome year!

  3. Happy Birthday!! Sounds like you had tons of fun.

  4. Aww!! Well happy birthday!! I think it was around that age where when someone asked me how old I was... I actually truly forgot.

  5. Happy Birthday! Looks like the family did it up right!

  6. Thanks everyone for your birthday wishes, I had a lovely time.

  7. Happy Birthday! (Very late, but better than never) Sounds like a lovely day! Obviously a lot of people care about you a great deal! :)
