Saturday, September 3, 2011


It’s the weirdest thing after completing one semester of nursing school and preparing for the start of another.  I have been feeling the urge to do what pregnant women go through called “nesting”.  I think this comes from the reality that my time is so precious and short to keep up on cleaning my house, that I need to make up for that fact by over-cleaning.  Don’t get me wrong my house could be much cleaner and kept up better than it is, but lately I’ve had the urge to clean the strangest things. 
For instance I have a longer house in the fact that the front room and kitchen are open to each other and from where I sit in my recliner most days in the front room lead my eyesight directly to a few windows on the opposite side of the kitchen.  This direct line of sight shows the most obvious smudge marks on the windows when the sun is shining just right, and two days ago I got up, grabbed the Windex and cleaned them!
Then last weekend I assigned my son to take care of the cobwebs in all the four corners of each room on the main floor of our house, but him being an 11 year old active boy who would love nothing more than to be outside playing with his friends, ended up missing lots of webs.  So I attacked them with a vengeance.  I grabbed a moist towel and with 3 rubber bands I secured the towel over the end of my broom (where the bristles are) and the webs came off like a charm. 
Yesterday after reading about Jen and her guest blogger’s Sweet Pantry Makeover, I was inspired to buy two new glass jars to hold both my sugar and flour.  These two ingredients seemed to be purchased multiply times, because I always second guess how much I have on hand.  So after getting advice from Jen’s blog that stated, to know how much ingredients you have on hand you should store them in see through containers, and that is exactly what I did.  Even though I have guests coming from out of town this weekend, after they leave my plan is to purge everything out of the pantry, de-clutter, and rearrange making a spot for everything and throwing outdated or expired things in the garbage.

bookshelf #2 sorry for the dark pic.
Lastly my school book shelving unit area seems to be quite a beast to be tamed and I think I’ll be undertaking that today.  Think of me and send your prayers for a successful endeavor. 
main uncontrolled bookshelf


  1. I understand completely! It's like a race to get all the housekeeping done before school starts! My desk is scary looking at all times to others, even though it makes perfect sense to me. Ah, the joys of being a student with papers and books that keep multiplying :/

  2. Do it while you can because you know there will be no time for the next 4 months and no one else will do it... or is that just my house?

  3. Good you cleaned it now, because cleaning is one of my great procrastinations when I should be studying.

  4. Love the containers!

    My problem is, when I buy stuff, it is always too little or too much for the containers and I end up with double the containers to hold the leftover amount.... :(
