Monday, June 25, 2012

Wimpiness or Anxiousness?

I’m 25% of the way done with my Alcohol and Drug online class and I think I’m doing well.  I took my first of four quizzes and only got three wrong, not bad without reading much more than the first chapter of the textbook.  My discussions are going well so far and I actually have been learning a lot from this class. 

As far as my full-time work schedule has been going I’ve never felt this busy before.  Today will be day 3 of 5 and I’ve been working the 1430-2230 shift on the med/surg. Unit.  Earlier last week I had a shift on another orthopedic med/surg. Unit that I was reallocated for and because I hadn’t ever worked on this floor before I ended up having a very annoying and difficult evening, so much so that I nearly wanted to walk right out halfway during my shift.

At one point in my evening I got talked to sternly from one of the seasoned nurses because I didn’t answer my phone in an isolated room, she went on to say that on their floor they’re being told to answer their phones while in isolation.  Bull-ONY is what I say!!!  I’m not coming in contact with my phone or trying to find a special way to answer my phone while I’m in isolation that would be putting my patient or other patients in a compromised situation by passing along MRSA/C-DIFF germs.  NOT COOL seasoned nurse, NOT COOL! 

After this one evening I was convinced that the rest of my shifts were going to be terrible and I started feeling anxious about going to work again, to the point that I was physically ill to my stomach.  After I prayed a lot and asked my prayer warriors aka my family to keep me in their prayers, God answered and I have had a much better experience the past two nights at work.  Such a huge improvement keeps me less anxious and more tolerable towards my co-workers.  I wonder if these anxious feelings ever go away or if maybe I should see my doctor?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Lazy Summer Fun

This summer has been a blast so far!  My hubby and I went to a Twins game on Father's Day weekend in Minneapolis.  This was my first time at the new Target Field stadium and it was fantastically beautiful.  Just look at the view of downtown.

 My hubby's friend works for the Twins and got us special permission to walk in designated areas where most of the public cannot go.  Unfortunately I missed the photo-op of the glorious Twins World Series trophy's from 1987 and 1991 wins.  Instead I took a picture of the field below.
 Prior to leaving I had to schedule some "me" time and respectively got a pedicure.  My toes have to look good in my sandals!

Can't forget the awesome lunch with my mother at Champs Restaruant, we both are wearing our new bracelets.
 Last but not least my son learned how to play chess, and here we are together trying hard to play (keep in mind I have no idea how to play, too many rules).
Here's hoping all of your summer plans are fun memories you're making.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Summer Update

Sorry I’ve been absent from my writing lately, but I’ve been full-time busy with work.  I don’t have a set schedule so some days I’m working 12 hour shifts from 0630-1830, and other times I’m working overnights from 1830-0630.  Some weeks I’m working three days in a row and other weeks I’m working every other day.  Either way I’m feeling overwhelmed and slightly worried for when I become a nurse in less than a year, will I be able to handle a schedule like the one I’ve been working?  There are times I walk off my unit at the hospital and feel like I can’t take another step just to get to my car.  The job is so physically demanding and my back, feet, and shoulders kill me by the end of each day.  Not to forget to mention that I feel slightly incoherent after my shift because I think I’ve used all of my brain cells.  Hahahaha.

Speaking of brain cells being used up, I’ve started my summer online class last Monday and so far so good.  It’s an Alcohol and Drug class and the first week’s readings covered the history of substance abuse problems in American history.  Very intriguing and when it comes time with posting my comments for our discussions, I have absolutely no problems finding information to draw from with my past.  I’m a little concerned with the four tests we’ll have because they’re timed and most information is coming from the book.  Maybe the trick will be to find the book online and that way it’ll be easier to find answers in a pinch instead of the rigorous amounts of reading that’s expected. 

Nursing classes don’t start up again until September, and I’m enjoying my summer as much as I can, despite my fluctuating schedule.