Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Change of Mind

I have an OR nurse friend that was pretty influential to me before I started nursing school.  She would tell me her opinions of what area of specialty she likes and dislikes (among much other advice).  I would absorb just about anything and everything she had to say because she’s been a nurse for over 20 years so she must be highly wise. 

She would ask me what areas I’d like to focus on after I graduate and I would tell her I didn’t know.  She would ask what areas other ladies in my class are interested in and a few of them would talk about OB, while others talked about different areas.  My friend would interrupt saying things like, “Don’t go into OB nursing, it’s for the prissy girls.” Or “All women students want to be OB nurses, don’t be like them.” 

After hearing this from my most wise nursing friend before I even started nursing classes I began to develop a stigma towards OB nursing.  I began to avoid that area like it was the plague.  Every time my OB interested friends would talk about babies and women I would turn up my nose at them.  I was determined to love any other area of interest than OB.

However little did anyone know that deep down in my heart I had a sliver of interest in OB nursing.  Of course it all started around the same time as when I was having children of my own and watching episodes of The Baby Story and tearing up like a babbling fool, but I wasn’t going to admit that to anyone.
Last Tuesday I had a clinical day in the OB department and I prayed the Lord would make a way for me to witness a birth, and guess what??  I got to see a c-section, that took entirely too long because of complications from the mama but after the final cut was made and the splurge of bag of waters came out the little baby that emerged was so incredibly amazing I could stop what happened next.

I felt like the Grinch on Christmas morning when his heart began to grow a few sizes larger, I wondered what was happening to me.  The baby was brought to the warmer and Apgar tests were beginning and I was just looking in awe.  A few moments later as I motioned the dad to come hold his newborn child, I grabbed his camera from his breast pocket and I started snapping pictures for him(he was fine with this).  Low and behold my cheeks were dripping with fresh fallen tears.  I think in the flash of a moment my mind changed from being against OB to being for OB. 

There is just something so very wonderful and amazing when a beautiful, perfect, innocent, lovely brand new baby is born.  I could not deny this was one of the most amazing miracles to witness. 

Now I can talk to my wise OR nurse friend and let her know that for once in my three semesters of nursing school, I think I’ve found my specialty.


  1. Where's the "like" button on this blog? I love that quote by Einstein quote!

  2. I am SO happy for you!! I think OB is a great area and definitely tugs on the heart strings of any woman. I absolutely loved OB; I've seen two c-sections and for a week in May will be working with a midwife assisting Amish women in prenatal visits and deliveries and am so excited.

  3. oooooh ya. I can relate to this. I "hated" OB nursing when I was a student and for the first years of working as an RN. When I moved to California, for some strange reason I still don't understand, I took the OB course and discovered - I LOVED IT! It was the longest I stayed in any specialty...15 years! You won't regret is a very rewarding area of nursing. Keep an open mind...I find the american way of OB nursing can be very restrictive at times...

    btw...OR nursing will more than likely be part of your OB! That's how I found out I hate OR nursing! :)

  4. You know what the saddest thing about that I noticed. Your friend putting down other nurses because of where they work. This happens all too much in nursing, with certain people thinking they are better because of where they work.

  5. wasn't it a cool experience?? Everyone has there nitch. You have to find out what is best for you. Most of the OB nurses I know have been in women's services for years...once the bug bites you it doesn't go away. I work in a facility that does almost 500 deliveries a month so it is never boring...we are a family centered care facility and do lots of natural deliveries (driven by a trend in families) to emergent cesarean sections. We get lots of sick moms and babies since we are connected to a children's hospital. It definitely keeps you challenged and you have to think like an ER nurse sometimes and really know all of your systems ~ for it isn't always about the uterus...sometimes it can be a heart issue or even a cystic fibrosis patient. Glad you got a taste of the baby business!

  6. Well alright! I love the idea of you being an OB nurse! I always had the greatest experiences with my nurses when I was having the babies! They knew how to help me through the pain of labor and delivery, they really understood my pain management and although I couldn't stand the searing pain from my c-section they knew how to be tough but compassionate and help me through that. Those ladies are wonderful and I think you'll be wonderful in those shoes!

  7. Yay!! Isn't it so cool when you can find what you really want to do?

    I saw a c-section a few weeks ago and I was hooked! Although I still wasn't really "hey, I'm really loving this whole L&D thing..." But then I got my day in the nursery...LOVE! I'm putting all my effort and time into absorbing as much newborn/NICU information as I can and I hope like crazy there is a job opening for me next January!

  8. Debbie – I love the Einstein quote too.
    Marianne - Midwife huh? That sounds like a lot of fun; I'd love to see how hard those midwives work.

    CC - 15 years in OB huh? Well glad you liked the field enough to stay that long. I hope I like it just as much.

    David - It’s crazy what some people say about other specialties. If we didn't have OB nurses no woman would be able to take care of their own delivers.

    Babyrndeb - Wow over 500 deliveries per month huh? That's a busy hospital. Our OB unit on a busy month will deliver about 120 babies, so not as hopping as your facility, but good for experience.

    Dominique - thank you for the compliment, I think I'll love it.

    Kendra - network, network, network. Just call up the department manager and ask for a job. I know that sounds crazy but watch for my upcoming blog post and I'll tell you what I did.

  9. So excited that you have found your "calling", at least for now. I can't WAIT to start my clinicals so that I can see what I like. I really have no clue. I'm leaning toward ED just b/c I get bored with things really easily & I feel like this would be a good place for me. I don't really like kids (shhhhhhh) so I KNOW peds is not my place & probably not OB either. But I hated to hear what other nurses said about L & D nurses, why are people so negative. There's room for all of us and we all have something great to offer. Jeez!!

  10. Oh and I loved your Grinch analogy too, lol.

  11. Rachel, I loved my OB nurse when Maddox was born. She was everything I had hoped for (unlike the night OB nurses! haha!!): calm and quiet. I will always remember her, but I can't say I will remember all these other nurses I have come into contact with. Speaking of...I had a student nurse last Friday at a doctor's appointment. I couldn't help but think about how much better you must be than him. I couldn't understand his mumbling and he wasn't very comforting in my stressful moment. After weighing me, I thought he said, "That's all," so I stepped off the scale. I guess he said, "How tall?"
