Hello all remember me? I
have been gone for what seems like eons and my only excuses are being lazy,
tired, and overwhelmed at times with a busy schedule...oh and graduating!
My last semester was a
successful one leaving me with not as much studying as I expected (those upper
classmen have a sneaky way of always frightening us). I felt refreshed taking
my time getting homework turned in, as well as studying for tests and passing
them. Which left me time to assess and reassess my relationships with school
I realized not all
friendships are "lasting" but there were a few worth “working on”. Here’s
just a helpful hint for those who haven't got a clue, friendships go both ways.
If you find yourself in a rerun episode of listening to the same friend talk incessantly
about them, turn and run! They may not really be capable of having a two-sided
friendship, meaning they don't have time to listen when you need to talk or
help solve your problems. Just trying to keep you all out of those ugly
friendship traps we're all accustomed to falling into. Either way, your true
friendships aren't work at all; they're comfortable and rewarding with little
I was able to reassess my
role as mother to my kids after being a fraction of who I once was for so long
and I have to say I have some work to do. It won’t be an overnight change but
definitely salvageable, thank you Lord!
I was able to reassess my
relationship with my hubby and determined of all the relationships this one I
was least lacking in. Thankfully because of our many attempts to keep things as normal as possible
throughout the years.
However, my hubby, to his amazing credit always kept my
schooling important enough in the front of his mind, not to allow it to separate us. I
would still like to sprinkle our relationship with sugar and spice and
everything nice, just to add my special touch once again!
A huge Thank You to all of my family who has patiently waited for me to finish school and all the while kept on encouraging me with positive attitudes and many prayers!
I love you all!!!!
Detaching from school has
been slow but apparent. It’s hard to look at myself in the mirror and think I’m
no longer in college. I still find myself dreaming about studying. I find it
odd that my to-do list doesn’t consist of studying 600 pages worth of material
only to be tested on 50 ?s. It’s remarkable being able to look at my family
and not have a preoccupation of guilt and counting the minutes of studying I’ll
have to make up before the next exam.
I definitely have come a
long way in 4.5 years of college and $43,069 of debt, but it was worth every
penny, tear, and complaint to say I’m done! If it is possible for this broken
soul to succeed, then let my story be an encouragement to anyone wondering if
they aren’t too late in deciding to make a better future for them.
It is possible to graduate
from college soberly, while tending to a family, trying to make a living, and for the most part carry a positive attitude...oh and also a learning disability.
Go for your
goals, dreams, and what seems impossible to attain. Because when you succeed,
the amazing accomplishment feels soo divine and the proud look of approval by family and friends
is irreplaceable.
I’ll be writing more posts
regarding my long week of Kaplan training that started last Tuesday and
finished yesterday, blah 24 hours of NCLEX strategy teaching and learning. I
finally feel more confident regarding a good study plan for boards.
Also I’ll be sharing a few
OB stories, one in particular regarding hearing 3 heart beats at the same time.
So stay tuned! I’m not done…
Congrats friend!!
ReplyDeleteIt's crazy to think of just how involved school is & how much of a toll it can take on our lives. You've came through on the other side! I completely understand everything you are saying & can agree whole heartedly with you on attempting to detach from school & slip back into your previous identity.
I wish you all the best on taking the NCLEX. You are going to be a fabulous nurse!
Misty, preach it sister! A student just doesn’t realize the toll school takes until it’s all over and they count up the damage. Amen I persevered and you did too! Detaching from my identity as a student for the past 4.5 years definitely has been a process. I find it difficult to get off the couch and start “normal daily chores around the house” that I was relieved of for so long, lol. But sure and steady I’ll get there.
DeleteThanks for your congrats on my taking the NCLEX, I’m excited to get this done with. You’ll be a fab nurse too! I can’t wait to hear all of your experiences too.
Yeah Zazzy! This is only the beginning! Congrats!
ReplyDeleteThanks Debbie, I am so excited and I’m thrilled to be starting my future as a professional nurse.
DeleteSoo exciting!! Congratulations on your gradution! I can't wait to see your post about passing the NCLEX!! Only 2 more semesters & then I'll be done with my BSN!! Woop woop, unfortunately I won't be done with school, except for the daily grind, thank God grad school isn't daily. I can't wait to hear more about your job when you start work as a RN!!
ReplyDeleteAww so sweet of you Candi, I hope to write a post of passing the NCLEX as well. But you’ll have to probably wait until sometime in July, because I’m planning to schedule my exam a little further out than most of my peers. I’ll explain in an upcoming post. You’ll be done before you know it, 2 more semesters is gonna fly right on by. I know it may not feel like it, but it will. Feel free to email me if you have questions or advice, and I’ll try to help you as best I can.
DeleteAlso I’m not sure the direction of my blog after passing boards, I’m really wanting to start a new blog that include me and my family life, pictures and other topics. If I start something new I’ll keep you in the loop. Take care and enjoy your summer break!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You have a reason to celebrate. Nursing school is tough. Now go get em and own those boards!!
ReplyDeleteBabyrndeb, isn’t that the truth! Nursing school isn’t an easy option for any student but so far it has been so rewarding, despite my earlier talk of dropping out lol!
DeleteThank you for your well wishes, I look forward to coming to work in the birthing center because I’ve got lots of questions and lots to learn. I can’t wait to own those boards!
Congrats to you!! I used the Kaplan NCLEX-RN. The decision tree helped a bit... but in reality when it comes to THE test, you already know the answers! Congrats once again and good luck!!
ReplyDeleteChristine, I was quite impressed with my pre-test Kaplan scores before learning the decision tree vs. my post test scores. They increased by 10% and I felt more confident with my reasoning for answering each question, with the exception of meds and labs. But those are things I just gotta learn.
DeleteThanks for your kind words and I look forward to my future as a nurse. But also I’m looking forward to more time reading and commenting more on blogs I love, like yours! I’ve been reading of your soon-to-be family additions (3) and OR program acceptance, not to mention all the fun accomplishments your kids are achieving. Way to go, you must feel so proud and busy at the same time! If anyone can balance all that, it’s you!
I meant to say I was MORE impressed with my post testing scores vs. my pre testing scores. Haha!
DeleteI love you and am very happy for you. This is a wonderful post and brings up very good points and things to reflect. You will be the most sweetest and best nurse ever!
ReplyDeleteI'm late to the "CONGRATS" party but mean it anyway!
ReplyDeleteHope you celebrated to let loose with all the pent up "OMGIMSTUDYINGWAYYYTOOMUCH" syndrome :)
Only in those certain times in life do you realize who your true friends are.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations. Go kick some ass in the nursing world.